Improved performance of composite polymer gel for water shut-off/ water control for oilfield applications


The solution for inappropriate gelation performance, weak gel strength, thermal instability at elevated reservoir temperature, over crosslinking and polymer degradation.

Developing new water shut-off/water control solution

The complexity and heterogeneity of oil and gas wells have indeed necessitated the constant development of new cost-effective and highly potent polymer gel systems for partial or total water shut-off in mature oilfields.

Our research team members are working on several attempts towards developing new water plugging polymer gels by incorporating various unconventional ingredients. Incorporation of solid fillers in polymer gels for water shut-off is one of the study focus to enhance the plugging performance of polymer gel when injected into a high permeability water zones of the oil wells.

Investigation of smart water control solution is also being given the priority. Polymer gels that only hardened or crosslinked once it is being injected and mixed with water but remain in the solution form if there is a presence of hydrocarbon content in the reservoir are our main aim.

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